The role of Imagifier is sacred amongst the Orders Militant. To these fervent Sisters falls the task of extolling the virtues of fallen Sororitas, and of preaching their deeds amidst the din of...
As experienced commanders and skilled combatants both, Palatines act as lieutenants to their respective Canoness, helping to direct the firepower of their Battle Sisters and leading them in the...
Castigators are powerful battle tanks of the Adepta Sororitas. They provide excellent fire support for Battle Sisters thanks to their wide array of weapons, smashing through the foe's lines and...
The Rhino armoured personnel carrier has been a mainstay of the Imperial military forces since the earliest days of the Great Crusade. Fashioned from a Standard Template Construct, Rhinos are...
Canonesses are the martial and spiritual commanders of the Orders Militant. Each is a shining example of purity and dedication of purpose, a veteran warrior of many hundreds of battles, and a slayer...
The Adepta Sororitas are the armed wing of the Imperial faith. They defend the Emperor's cathedrums, chapels, and holy shrines from the heretic, the mutant, the witch, and the alien. Encased within...
Used exclusively by the Adeptus Ministorum, the Immolator-pattern armoured assault transport is a variant on the Rhino chassis. Atop the hull of each Immolator is mounted an elaborate turret...
A Sister Dialogus drowns out the filthy war cries of the enemy with shouts of exalting praise to the God-Emperor. She is a locus of faith in the Adepta Sororitas battle line, standing upon fire-swept...
The Exorcist is a weapon uniquely representative of the ways in which the Adepta Sororitas pair shows of devotion to the Emperor with the castigation of his heretical enemies. It is a rolling shrine...