Pyregheists are malevolent spectres, obsessed with committing their mortal prey to the flames. They embody Nagash’s monumental cruelty and spite, wrought from those who sought to safeguard mortal...
The Twistweald come creeping from the Gnarlwood, their arboreal Sylvaneth beauty splintered by terminally parasitic plants. These incurable pariahs plunge into tainted forests that their brethren...
The Teratic Cohorts form the vanguard of the Ossiarch Bonereapers scouring the Gnarlwood, seeking to secure the treasures of Talaxis in the name of the Great Necromancer. Each cursed warrior bears a...
As more and more warriors plunge into the Gnarlwood in search of riches unimaginable, their bodies and souls are worn down by the hungering forest of predatory gnarloaks, which grow more awakened...
The Ydrilan Riverblades are lithe warriors of the Lumineth Realm-lords. Agile as a skimming stone and relentless as the driving current, the aelves of the Ydrilan temples serve the sacred aelementors...
The Wildercorps are trackers, scouts, and outdoorsmen – experts who attack from the cover of thick foliage and broken ground. They act as rangers for the Cities of Sigmar, identifying and tackling...
Gorger Mawpacks are strange gatherings of ogors afflicted with the Empty Belly curse, driven mad with hunger no matter how much they consume. Wild-eyed and starving, they launch themselves at their...
The Claws of Karanak venerate the Flesh Hounds of Khorne, becoming bloodthirsty hunters who pursue craven prey in the Blood God's name. These predator-cults fight like packs of wild animals, taking...
Vulkyn Flameseekers are master beast-tamers who worship the Ur-Salamander, Vulcatrix. These fiery duardin zealots scour the realms for Magmadroth eggs and traces of sacred fire, striking out into the...